
About me

The real me:

  • a scanner [definition by B. Sher in one of her books “Refuse to choose”]
  • a curious mind
  • a change catalyst
  • a child of Earth (Earthling) and Universe
  • empath
  • stoic
  • conscious anarchist
  • extroverted introvert (actually INFJ)
  • mostly vegan
  • yoga and meditations
  • consensual and ethical polygynous straight man
  • sex positive
    I love independent, intelligent and good-looking females with beautiful bodies and beautiful souls.

I love eating raw vegan desserts: raw vegan cakes and raw vegan cupcakes.
I’m still learning to communicate using conscious and harmonic communication, which includes the principles of radical honesty, transparency, openness, empathy, non-violent communication, “The Work” by Byron Katie and permanent and never-ending conscious kindness.
I live to my best possible capacity by the following principle: “do as you will, as long as you do no(t) harm anyone and / or anything”.

I love playing with languages. I play with languages like children play with toys. Languages are my toys. Playing with languages is one of my hobbies.

My personal mission statement

  • be happy
  • be independent and free
  • have a home (or two) to live (not just a bouncing point to return to)
  • live in places where I feel great
  • speak many various languages fluently
  • play several musical instruments
  • be an amazing life partner to my female life partner(s)
  • be a wonderful parent to our children
  • be healthy and full of energy at any age

At the current time in me live two opposites:

+ one dreams about living in a world, where money don’t exist even as a term. In a world, where people are free, happy, live in harmony with each other and nature beneath, above and around them.
+ the other one wants to live on an Earth-similar planet only with my own family without any other people with a possibility to visit Earth any time we want to
to live on our own two islands: one in tropics and one in subtropics (Mediterranean) and own several real estate properties all around our beautiful planet, on different continents and in various places and countries.

I’d love us to live in – a warm in colder times and in a pleasantly cool in the warmer times – house with a quick and reliable internet access and everything in and around the house which is needed for a safe and comfortable life, with a big plot of land to grow my / our own food somewhere in tropics, sub-tropics / Mediterranean and have unconditional life standard to be able to live the life I / we want to live and the goal is to be self-sufficient in everything.

On a more realistic note I pretty much like the south of Portugal and I know that I (we) should establish a home there; it would be a cold-reasoned, well-thought-out and weighted decision, however my soul lies with Thailand – my most favorite country on our planet so far.

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My dreams

This section is an attempt to categorize most of my dreams however small or huge they might be.

My dreams

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My interests

encompass the following topics and subjects:

permaculture and city planning, professional storytelling, harmonic and non-violent communication, empathy and radical honesty, sex and sexuality, love and happiness, deep machine learning and artificial intelligence, yoga and meditation, personal development and others

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Who / What am I looking for?

I’m looking for a / (some) female life partner(s) to establish an unconventional family

More about it you can read here

If you know places online and offline, where I can meet bisexual females all over the globe, please recommend me them.

Currently I’m looking for a FF couple, where both females are bisexual, skinny and / or curvy and one of them is of dark skin tone origin (African etc) and another one is of Chinese / Korean origin and who are looking for an honest male as their life partner.

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Honest Dating

Even though my prime objective is to have the unconventional family, I’m open to just fun as well. I have an account on OK Cupid which amongst most dating platforms / apps I like the most, because it allows me to write a “novel” / a very detailed profile

My profile on OKC*

* short for OK Cupid.

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Female language exchange partner(s)

for improving spoken conversational languages and listening understanding of various languages

and also

hand-written Chinese (and Japanese)



Feel free to find and follow me there

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Language exchange dating

Currently looking for: Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French, Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, Greek, Hebrew, Esperanto, Latin, Bengali, Georgian, Hindi, (m)any others may come additionally.
Offering: mainly Russian but also English and/or German

If you are interested or you know someone who might be interested, feel free to contact me

I wish there were something like HelloTalk Adult / HelloRelationships – a platform / an app where adult beings could speak openly about who they are and what they REALLY want.

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Like-minded people

  • International support team for creating an interplanetary space saga (fiction) “Happy Beings”; books and films

The book is being written
The book’s objective is to show people that to live in the world without money is possible; to live freely, happily and in harmony with himself / herself and others is possible; on our planet and also on other planets
The story is about universes where money simply doesn’t exist at all. In some universes they never had money and in some universes they got rid of it and about all kind of beings living in these universes

Link tree for the project

Page on Facebook

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  • Anyone / everyone interested in project “Free Prosperous Open Source Cities”

The objective: to create blueprints for building cities and build cities, which prosper and blossom without any money

Page on Facebook

Group on Facebook

Description on Google Drive

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  • Co-founders and social investors for House Of Meetings (HOMe)

The project, in the first line, is oriented for beings, who either suffer from depression and / or loneliness or who wants to help the beings they know are suffering from depression and / or loneliness.

More information about the project

Group on Facebook

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  • School of happiness and happy life

Page on Facebook

The description of the school

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Mobile (in Germany):

+four9 one7six twoseven16 eight69nine


Ask me for my email

Profile on Clubhouse

Channel on Youtube

Podcast on AnchorFM

Profile on Wattpad

Profile on Facebook

Page on Facebook

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