Category Archives: Movies I like

My most favorite cartoon from the Soviet time is…

this one (below):

It’s a story about a young boy combating a dragon, who was ruling the country for many years.
Great story about power, greed and importance of self-awareness.
– “Are you sure that there is yet another dragon, already?”
– “Unfortunately, yes. Look around, look into yourself and you’ll see it.”

If you haven’t watched it – I absolutely recommend you do.

I’m Shipping Up To Boston by Dropkick Murphys

I’m watching “The Departed” with Leonardo di Caprio.
This movie was a complete game change for me personally, because starting from this movie I completely changed my opinion about him as an actor.

This song gives me an energy push anytime I listen to it.

Where exactly I watched this movie I do not remember anymore; could be in Ireland or England.

Wonderlust by Will Post

I’m sitting at home in a arm chair which already shows the signs of a wore (is slightly worn out) and watching a movie titled “The kissing booth 2”.

I don’t know about you I however pretty much like the love stories and this one is a good love story, too. It is also a story about friendships (old and new ones).

If you like watching movies like I do, I recommend you check out the song and both of the movies:

“The kissing booth”
“The kissing booth 2”

You’re welcome.